Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week 3 Year 2019-20

Week 3

1. Signed Question Activity (get handout to record questions and answers)
2. Go over Lesson 3 with students

3. ½ class Students will use computer to watch and copy ASL University Lesson #3 and or YouTube Link

4. Practice vocabulary and Sentences Unit 3-2-1 and Finger spelling


  1. Go over Lesson 3 with students
  2. ASL 2 Deaf history Later 1880-1988 about significant time in deaf history and then answer questions and make a graphic showing key points in Deaf History...
  3. Practice Vocabulary for ASLU Lesson 3
  4. Additional: 


1.  Introductions-Greeting and Farewells in American Sign Language --

Tutorial on greetings, introductions, and farewells in ASL.
Activities : Greetings

With your elbow partner greet each other with hello

Ask -1-How are you -2- What's up

Partner respond-- I am fine, busy, confused, fine, good/well, happy, nothing, same old same old, sleepy, so-so, tired
Activities: Introductions

Hello my name is ___________

I am hearing / Deaf

I am a student / profession

I am learning ASL at _____________

Nice to meet you

Activities: Farewells

Say-- Bye

Say-- Have a nice day

Say-- Have a nice week end

Say-- See you later

Say-- Later

Add to any of the above statements -- Nice to meet you

Practice Greetings-Introductions-Farewells

2.  Additional:


1.  Practice Vocabulary from ASLU L 1-2-3

2.  Fingerspelling (MASL activities 1-2-3 or 4 pages 1 &2)
Extra Practice 
3.  Practice Following: Greetings-Introductions-Farewells
Activities: Greetings

With your elbow partner greet each other with hello

Ask -1-How are you -2- What's up

Partner responds-- I am fine, busy, confused, fine, good/well, happy, nothing, same old same old, sleepy, so-so, tired
Activities: Introductions

Hello my name is ___________
I am hearing / Deaf
I am a student/profession
I am learning ASL at _____________
Nice to meet you

Activities: Farewells

Say-- Bye
Say-- Have a nice day
Say-- Have a nice weekend
Say-- See you later
Say-- Later
Add to any of the above statements -- Nice to meet you


ASL U 1-3 Quiz
Practice Following: Greetings-Introductions-Farewells